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Nisarga Education Foundation Trust

Mr. Sanjay Hatti
“Being into the township with community facilities and comprehensive infrastructural development for various segments of the society and our belief in enriching lives of people through Residential Communities, Commercial Places, Leisure Facilities, Marriage Destinations and also providing them with the best of Quality Education possible in the same society to develop a quality ecosystem. We firmly believe in the philosophy of nurturing and giving back to society.
Education is always a sector that is more about enlightening and building future citizens. Strongly backed by an “Enabling Better Living” attitude, we also aim towards planting hundreds of trees to make eco-friendly living environments every year. We believe in giving priority to the well being of society and only then our society recognizes us.
Keeping in mind the same core values, we aspires to apply the same motto in the education sector for “enhancing the educational eco-system” by collaborating with MDN Edify Education for one of his dream projects “Edify School” in Bidar City, a hilltop city in the north-eastern part of Karnataka State with an objective to redefine the standard of excellence in education sector and stick to our commitments to our stakeholders.”

Mr. Mohammed Naseeruddin
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”. MD.Naseeruddin Mahagaonvi, A holistic Industrialist for more than a decade now reflects the same in his personal epigraph. Educating the masses with a holistic approach creates overall learning environment for learners. His amazing problem-solving and entrepreneur skills will help us create a holistic learning environment for learners.

Mr. Sanjeev Bubaji
Mr. Sanjeev Bubaji is a head strong leader with professional expertise in Industrial sector for more than a decade now. It is said that people with fierce principles guide the society; likewise Mr. Sanjeev kanji is like a lamp which will gradually light the education sector. He manages all of his projects with his fabulous organizational skills. His fierce attitude and head strong behavior is an inspiration for learners, with which they can perfectly gain confidence in themselves.